Janata Primary School is located in Naukhande, Thaha-Makwanpur. Students from around 240 households, Metrang to Dovan- Khola of Thaha Municipality are being benefited from the school. The entire student from the school belongs to Tamang community, which has been recognized as Janajati (Minority) community by government of Nepal. The school really needs to enhance the quality and relevance. There are currently 135 students in the school, classes up to 5th grade and 3 teachers. The School was in very poor condition and lacking basic resources.
Being Youth officially launched a program called improving the quality and accessibility to education for all children of Janata Primary School, Naukhande on March 2022 for one year. Being Youth will support necessary supplies, furniture, training for teachers and parents, and some other activities. Thanks to the generosity of our donor, ongd-fnel has been able to help children facing disadvantage to succeed at school.
Thank to the generosity of our donors, ongd-fnel has been able to help children facing disadvantage to succeed at school.